Our Story

Healing happens in relationship, not in isolation.

We are relational beings and we learn who we are and how to be in the world through relationships.

Katalyst was born out of this understanding. As a team we do the work of staying connected to each other, telling each other the truth, making space for when things feel good, and being honest when they don’t. 

Too often in our society, we are taught that being honest about our feelings, particularly voicing when something does not feel right, will lead to being rejected or abandoned. Likewise, we can also feel it’s risky to show the bright shiny beautiful parts of us when we haven’t been appreciated or valued for all the goodness we bring to the world.  

At Katalyst, our goal is to create a space where you can feel safe enough to risk being open and honest about your experiences. Here, your body will un-learn what we learned long ago that does not serve us to be present, at ease, and connected to ourselves and others in the here and now. Unlearning our old patterns around relationship and emotions is an essential lesson for long-term thriving.

The Katalyst program is designed to make space for all the parts of you while maintaining connection with caring, loving individuals who are on the same journey. This includes your fellow group participants and your facilitators. We are all learning, growing and healing together. It is a core feature of our program that as facilitators we show up with all our humanity along with our skill and experience. 

The healing relationship starts with us as a team and ripples out to how we lead and guide our participants. As a team, this way of relating overflows into our other personal and professional relationships outside of this program. 

Katalyst helps provide the building blocks of how to be in relationship with ourselves, belong and be welcomed. Instead of having to deny or hide parts of ourselves in order to stay connected, we can show the vulnerable parts of ourselves and find that we still belong.

While designing our program, we had a conversation with a family member who is a chemist. Culturally, the word catalyst is understood to be a factor that spurs change. In chemistry, a catalyst is something that creates the stable conditions to allow change to occur.

With Katalyst, the unique mix of attachment, emotion, and body focused content, paired with the group model, and the Ketamine treatment, create conditions where a person can change within support and relational stability. In this journey of learning to come home to our bodies and remembering ourselves in our wholeness, we connect to the truth of our experiences in deeper and more nuanced ways. 

Note of gratitude: The group process of our Katalyst program builds on the innovative and inspiring work that we were generously taught through the Roots to Thrive program.